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🚢 Re-Stock Update June 2024 | Read More
🚢 Re-Stock Update June 2024 | Read More
Compost Connect - Transforming packaging and food waste into compost

Compost Connect - Transforming packaging and food waste into compost

Did you know that packaging contaminated by food scraps can’t be recycled? This means that most single-use food packaging ends up in landfill, with just 9% of waste being recycled in the UK. 

Introducing Compost Connect - the latest initiative from BioPak, our eco-friendly packaging supplier. Developed to combat global warming and the plastic pollution crisis, Compost Connect aims to divert food and certified compostable packaging waste from landfill and transform plant-based materials into organic compost. 

By connecting packaging and food service businesses with the organic waste industry, Compost Connect is helping to grow access to compostable recycling, and to instigate widespread change. For example, for every tonne of waste diverted from landfill and composted, 3.8 tonnes of CO2 emissions are avoided.

There are many other benefits to joining the scheme:

  • Compost Connect will provide you with a back-of-house food bin and a front-of-house compostable packaging bin - so all your organic waste can be collected and turned into soil-nutrients.
  • The service is designed to be low impact, utilising electric bikes whenever possible to minimise the carbon footprint of your waste collection.
  • Compostable packaging is designed for the circular economy, meaning there is no waste when a product is manufactured and reproduced from sustainably sourced, recyclable materials. For example, Bagasse is made from sugar cane pulp which can break down into nutrient-rich compost when disposed of via Compost Connect.

Get involved

The service is delivered via a non-contractual, subscription-based app. Restaurant partners can find out more by following the steps below:

  1. Register your interest and check the service is available in your area by emailing Compost Connect is currently available in London and Birmingham, with plans to roll out across the UK soon.
  2. Subscribe to a service level that suits your restaurant’s needs.
  3. Collateral and educational pieces for your staff will be supplied to you.
  4. You’ll then be able to organise food and packaging waste collections to help create nutrient-rich compost that supports soil health.
Next article Deliveroo x BioPak: working together to combat food delivery waste